- Would you get a kind of break? We're just gonna take my little friend to your home and forget this ever happened. All right? No harm no foul. 你们能不能网开一面?我们只不过想把朋友带回家,就当没发生过一样,好吗?没有伤害,就不算犯规。
- Would you lie if it helped you get a better job? 如果撒谎能让你谋得更好工作,你会不会这麽做?
- He got a kind of strange sickness inside. 他心里感到一种难以言状的苦楚。
- We might not be able to steer the nose wheel, would you get a tractor ready? 我们将不能操纵前轮,请给准备一辆拖车。
- What kind of a man would you like for a friend? 你喜欢同什么样的人做朋友?
- Jim, have you get a detailed map of the area? 吉姆,你有这个地区的详细地图吗?
- Have you get a product of this specification? 不知贵方有没有这种规格的产品?
- What kind of a car would you like? 你想租那一种车呢?
- You get a salad and potatoes with that. What kind of potatoes do you want? 女招待: 你可以要一个沙拉和土豆,不知土豆要什么式样的?
- What would you suggest, prime minister? Some kind of a statement? 你有什么良言首相先生?是不是搞个声明什么的?
- Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine? 你以旧缝纫机折价换新合算吗?
- If you had a chance to get a magic bottle, what kind of bottle would you wish for? 如果你有机会得到一只梦幻瓶,你想要个什么样的瓶子呢?
- I spilled my coffee. Would you get me a rag? 我不小心打翻了咖啡,帮我拿块抹布,好吗?
- What kind of seafood would you like? 您想要什么海鲜?
- I'll see that you get a set of these stamps. 我设法让你得到一套这种邮票。
- Have you get a contract in english? 请问合同有没有英文本?
- What kind of food would you like to eat? 你喜欢吃什么东西?
- Excuse me, have you get a light by any chance? 对不起,你碰巧有打火机吗?
- What kind of job would you like to take? 你想干哪种工作?
- Have you got a product of this specification? 不知你们有没有这种规格的?